A.P. English E-319

Worlds and Details

How easy peasy it is for me
to create another reality,
and dig deep inside
its sturdy hide
into those plots and stories.
It colors me with details,
creativity, unique orginality.
It's too delightful and Sara Lee
To escape to another land or sea
Can you guess?
It's ABC,
It's enough to exclaim,
Lovely dualities!
What varieties!
Hey, look!
It's a fantasy book.


Joyce Park


The curtains go up and

My Heart skips a beat

The music begins and

I take off, soaring like

A majestic eagle,carefree and weightless

Instinct takes over and

I know what to do

Pas de bourre, pas de bourre, pique, pirouette

I feel the beats running through my vains and

The music is part of me

Nothing else matters, and

I am alone in the world.

Dancing my heart out.


Skyler Huspen

One Shot

Adrenaline pumping.

Heart pounding.

Muscules contracting.

Mind racing.

As you step up on the block

This is the final swim meet of 2008.

There is no room for mistakes now.

No room for a less than perfect flip turn.

No room for a false start.

It is all or nothing.

One chance

One opportunity

One moment in time

Take your mark.



Andrea Stevenson


Waves slowly rolling

softly crashing on the rocks

Still warm sand

underneath your feet

The fresh salty air

gently blowing against your cheek

Smelling the last of a picnic feast

Watching the bright yellow sun

Now a globe of orange wonder

Purple in the clouds

red reflecting on the water

stars coming out

the moon close behind

The sun slowly sets

A globe of orange wonder.


Matt Lewallen


Snow, snow falling down

Building snowmen on the ground

With blacktop hats.

How beautiful it is

To see the snow-covered trees,

Like a painting;

A tru winter wonderland,

All the animals burrow away.

But I say no, wait, stay and play

With ice skates and icicles

With snowballs and snowboards

because school is out for the day!


Sara Seibt